Stripping surface topical coating sealer, sealer residue, remove sealer application marks

from sandstone, marble, limestone, terra cotta, slate, hinuera natural stone.

Contact Our Sales Team Steve 021665713 or Donovan 021792498

At lustre our primary goal in in striping topical surface sealer coatings is to maintain the materials integrity and make sure that no harm is done in the short or long term to the material. While striving to employ the most environmentally-friendly products and by utilizing different tailored methodologies, we can bring the lustre back to your particular material no matter what the state of the material.

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      Striping Enhancer Sealer      Striping surface coating              Sealer Residue

Lustre strips existing surface coatings even if you have no knowledge of the brand of sealer  that was utilised.

Today’s technology has delivered hundreds of different types of floor coatings; you have natural, synthetic, waxes, acrylics, thermoplastic, urethane, epoxies, polish protectors and gleam barrier coatings.

Contrary to believe marble, slate, terracotta, natural stone, has a delicate surface that can be damaged which requires an understanding of the composition of the material, knowledge of chemicals, correct equipment, stripping techniques and years of experience that will remove topical sealers permanently, without damaging the material.

Click on image to enlarge.


                         Incorrect surface sealer for the type of material and application.

Lustre strips:

Sealer application marks that appear as streaky floors, tiny air bubbles, swirl marks or roll marks. Are caused from the either the incorrect sealer for your material or the sealer application tools that was utilised like paint rollers, spray packs, speed brushes, and lamb wool.

Sealer residue excess sealer appears as white powdery deposits, streaky marks, shiny spots, greasy coatings or hazy coating. This is caused from not wiping the excess sealer.

Sealer topical coating appears as a plastic linoleum appearance, sticky tacky floor, wavy, yellowing, flaky, scratch marks or scuff marks and wear patterns from foot traffic.

Once the stripping procedure is completed the next step is applying the correct sealer for your material.

Lustre utilizes a whole range of sealing products for sealing your material. Whether you want a etch resistance, stain guard or a topical barrier coating (matt, semi-gloss or high gloss).

In most cases once when we strip the surface coating, we discover the surface sealer is really camouflaging the actual problems particularly with the marble and limestone tiles.

Marble and limestone is so easy to maintain with Lustre care treatments.

Lustre offers our clients when initial work is completed, the correct cleaning products, and accessories with a tailored instructions for proper care and maintenance guide for your material and sealer which includes care tips.

Please contact us to make a no obligation appointment with a Lustre representative. To ensure the best possible standard of customer satisfaction and communication our specialists meet personally on site with every client to formally assess their needs in the first instance and develop an itemized proposal and quotation detailing the recommended procedure.