Statue Restoration - repair

marble, limestone, sandstone, Hinuera, granite

 Contact our team - Donovan 021792498 or Steve 021665713

Lustre has mastered the art in this highly specialised field of natural stone statue restoration which renews, refurbishes, repairs, refinishes and preserves natural stone to its former glory or better, along with an attention to detail service that is second to none. 


                Marble bust                      Marble Statue                  Limestone statue

Marble Statue Restored

This Marble guardian angel statue required repairs to the wings and fingers. These had broken off several times and the previous repairs had been sub-standard. Our solution was to install pins at each point of contact and use coloured adhesive and crystal fillers to disguise the joins. The Statue was then cleaned and sealed. 


                      Broken fingers                                              Broken fingers and lantern


                Broken fingers and lantern                                        Fingers and wings


                       Wing and fingers                                   Fingers and oil lantern attached       


                     Wings attached                                       Statue Completely restored              


                                                                   Guardian Angel

Please contact us to make a no obligation appointment with a Lustre representative. To ensure the best possible standard of customer satisfaction and communication our specialists meet personally on site with every client to formally assess their needs in the first instance and develop an itemized proposal and quotation detailing the recommended procedure.